Ösel is gaining more media attention as it marches ahead with its newly installed state-of-the-art manufacturing capacity. This is making a positive difference in the Indian LED display panel market. At the onset of the new year, on 02 January 2020, Media4growth, a renowned trade journal, covering the OOH industry in India, carried the story of Ösel’s new manufacturing muscle. It has already created a positive impact in the Indian OOH market and the company’s customer service is receiving steady growth in inquiries about digital signage.
Eagerness to buy quality Indian products
The kind of response that Ösel is getting from customers in India means there is healthy respect for products made by Indian companies when they meet high quality benchmarks. Ösel has done its homework and created the precise supply chain to service the Indian market with its world-class range of LED display panel and other signage units. All that the Indian customer looks for is value for money and rationalized costing and Ösel has taken care of this essential requirement. This company is leading the import substitution drive in digital signage products in India.
Vital role played by Ösel in national self-sufficiency drive
Ösel’s ultra-modern manufacturing capacity is a positive indication that it is possible to produce world-class LED display panel units in the country and price them rationally. This not just boosts the flagship ‘Make in India’ and ‘Digital India’ initiatives but is also a major area of compatibility with the ‘Clean India’ initiative. The government’s recent ban on single use plastic (SUP) will make it impossible to continue using PVC flex signage in future. Also, the smart cities that are redefining the country’s urban landscape, won’t allow any kind SUP pollution and therein lies the importance of digital signage solutions that Ösel offers.