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The Growing Popularity of Hand Sanitizer Digital Signage

The global Coronavirus pandemic that started in late 2019 is still looming over us, with new mutants being found now and then. This has caused havoc for businesses in various industries. However, some industries have benefited from the new trends that were shaped by this pandemic. Hand sanitizers that were never a priority for people have suddenly become an essential commodity. It is our primary defense against this deadly virus.

Leveraging technology for sanitization

Safety in the workplace, schools, and other public institutions has been a major concern since the virus can easily spread from one person to another. The use of hand sanitizer before entering any premises has been compulsory. This has given a major boost to hand sanitizer digital signage as it provides a better way to apply sanitizers with the least contact possible. Let’s delve deeper into some prominent benefits and prospects for these digital signage tools.

Benefits of hand sanitizer digital signage

Hand sanitization has been a routine task for people during the pandemic and it will continue to be, long after it’s over. There are plenty of benefits of using hand sanitizer digital signage. Some of the most prominent ones are listed below.

  • The digital signage for hand sanitization involves using an infrared sensor automatic hand sanitizer nozzle. This nozzle automatically detects a person or a hand using infrared sensor technology and automatically sprays the sanitizer or the disinfectant, depending on the availability.
  • It is way faster and convenient than other alternatives. It also involves minimal to no contact which curbs the possibility of spread drastically.
  • The use of wall brackets and standing brackets (digital signage) can be applied to a broad setting and be used for multiple cases.
  • It requires the least amount of human intervention and can be automated using a robust digital signage application like Donkey Player.

Future of hand sanitizer digital signage

Effective sanitization methods and means will always be welcome in the post-pandemic era. As people get more conscious and adapt to better ways of sanitizing their hands, installing digital signage for hand sanitization will be a must. The vaccination drives have begun. However, 100% effectiveness is still lacking and people will need to take precautionary measures. Hand sanitization is the primary defense against this virus. All public and private workspaces will need to install digital signage that can help with hand sanitization to avoid any unnecessary spread of the virus.

Osel Technology is among the industry leaders in the Indian digital signage space that caters to a wide range of digital signage needs. It’s latest offering in the form of Donkey Player, a revolutionary digital signage application has been a game-changer for a lot of companies.

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