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Revamping QSR Chains Using Modern Digital Signage/ Why Digital Signage is essential to managing a Successful QSR chain?
April 29, 2020

Smart Queue Management Using Digital Signage Technology

When was the last time you liked waiting for your turn in a queue? I’m guessing the answer to this question is ‘never’.  We are living in a rapid world where technological evolution is on an unprecedented scale, making everything faster than ever. This has made us very impatient and standing in a queue waiting for the turn seems like a tough nut to crack. The irony here is no matter where we go waiting in a queue is unavoidable, be it a fast-food restaurant, a movie hall, grocery store or even amusement parks.

This poses a major challenge for businesses who want to boost customer experience and their overall satisfaction level.  The key to solving this problem is keeping your customers engaged and entertained while they wait. Whether it is through an interactive activity or your marketing promotions, engagement is important. This is where you can leverage the digital signage technology to your benefits and introduce a smart queue management system.

Traditionally, the queue management systems had a very limited scope. The modern digital signage solutions are more agile in their approach to managing the queue and engaging with the audiences. In the contemporary landscape, businesses are more concerned about their customer experience and are incorporating multi-media displays in their queue management systems. Let’s delve deeper into how digital signage solutions help with effectively managing the queue.


Entertaining the audience is key to improving the customer experience when they are facing a large queue. Digital signage tools can be used to display eye-catchy content that might help to reduce boredom. Digital signage displays can be installed in the waiting area to engage with the audience by offering entertaining content like news, sports, general facts, etc. It can even incorporate marketing materials to keep the customers updated.

Self-service Kiosk

Self-service kiosks are proving to be great alternatives for long queues. Those who simply can’t stand in a line for their turn can help themselves using digital signage kiosks. Using the kiosks for the first time can be overwhelming for some but with a little guidance, customers can easily make a transaction using the self-service kiosks. Digital signage can be also used for interactive way-finding solutions that guide the customers through their journey and keep them entertained.

Osel Technology is among the industry leaders in the digital signage segment that provides a comprehensive digital signage solution for all your needs at the most affordable price point.


This article aims to edify the reader on the applications and benefits of using digital signage technology for queue management. It focuses on two major ways to handle customer burnout and improve their overall experience.

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