Digital Signage Insights

May 28, 2019
Supreme-X Aero

Get the Advantage of Ösel Supreme-X Aero and Make a Stunning Impact

According to the World Advertising Research Center (WARC) the government commits as much as one-fourth of its advertising budget to out of home (OOH) advertising. Usually, […]
May 22, 2019
Digital Signage Solutions

Ösel Digital Signage Solutions Add Value to Exhibitions and Trade Fairs

Display advertising in exhibitions are a critical part of the communication setup of the participating brands as well as the event organizers. The display infrastructure in […]
May 20, 2019
fence digital displays

Fence Digital Signage Displays From Ösel Are a Cut Above the Rest

Fence digital signage solutions are rapidly growing in importance in the world of Indian sports covering popular disclipines like cricket, hockey, football, kabbadi, badminton, table tennis, […]
May 16, 2019

Ösel LED Video Wall Offers Excellent ROI for the Broadcast Media

The broadcast media studios today have a different look and feel because of the massive video LED wall screens displaying events in real time. There was […]
May 13, 2019

Ösel Edgester for Indian Railway Booking Offices and Waiting Rooms

One of the best locations for any large format display screen is where people are either waiting or moving very slowly. In this respect, the booking […]
May 9, 2019

Ösel LED Display Systems for Optimizing Communications in Bank Branches

One of the common sights inside a bank is the large number of marketing communication displays informing customers of updates and new investment plans. The sheer […]
May 6, 2019

Indoor LED Display Solutions Will Improve Passenger Convenience in Indian Railways

The use of indoor LED display solutions in railway stations can be optimized for passenger convenience by choosing high quality LED display systems from Osel. That’s […]
May 2, 2019

The Ösel Video Wall Offers best-in-Class Large Format Display for Media Houses

The broadcast media today operates 24 x 7 x 365, rolling out news, views and updates of regional, national and global dimensions. Most TV channels today […]
April 29, 2019

Ösel’s Flexible LED Wall Display Systems Can Improve Airport Operations Effectively

In any major airport where flights land and take off all throughout the day, the onrush of passengers is a regular feature. The large airport staff […]
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